Nature does like a vacuum. In other words, if there is a void, or an empty space, it will be filled.
I can certainly believe this to be true. I just have to look at the baskets I buy on whim at the dollarstore, that get filled before I know it.
In this case, it has just brought more clutter and more "stuff", but I think this principle can be used to benefit us rather than take away. So if there is something you want, today or in life in general, make room for it. Create a vacuum that will need to be filled. It seems like a very simple thing, but I can see this being an agent for change.
It could be making room in your heart for a better relationship with someone you love, or room in your closet for a new clothes a size smaller, or room in your fridge for really healthy food. It could be anything.
Once you've created that vacuum, don't allow the empty space to be filled by anything other than that which you truly desire.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
How to Prevent and Get Rid of Fruit Flies in Your Compost Bin
When it comes to getting rid of fruit flies in our compost bin, here are the solutions that worked for us...
- Cover. Snap the lid of your compost container shut every time, immediately after opening whenever possible.
- Dry. Dry out your compost bin a little bit. Often, fruit flies are a problem in compost bins that are too wet. When it comes to your counter-top or backyard container, be sure that paper products (news print, paper, shredded or otherwise) are the first in you bin, and are layered over any "wet" compost (fruit and veg). Consider "saving" any dry compost to add when it is needed. For those participating in their city's compost program, you have a lot more flexibility when it comes to the wet-dry ratio because your compost is being added to the compost collected by residents all over the city. The ratio of your bin alone isn't nearly as important as someone who is doing the composting themself. Line the bottom with recycled paper material, and regularly layer on paper or other dry products. If you get an infestation of fruit flies "drown" them with ample dry biodegradable compost.
- Wrap. We line a tin tray with wax paper or newsprint and toss our compost in the tray as we prepare meals. The compostable waste is wrapped tightly in the dry material and brought to our larger, outdoor container within hours. We've not had a fruit fly problem inside in the two years we've been living here (fingers crossed!).
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Reduce Clutter and Make Tidying a Snap
Here is an organizational tip that only takes a minute or two every day, and between 5 and 15 minutes once a week:
Keep a basket in a convenient location on each floor. For a mere 60 seconds each day, toss items in the basket that do not belong in the space they are in. Once a week, or whenever the basket gets full, empty the basket returning all of it's contents to it's rightful place.
Alternatively, you can have a basket for each member of the family. For a couple of minutes each day, have family members collect personal belongings that are left out and toss them into the basket. At regular intervals have family members return the items in their basket to their rightful place.
Keeps clutter to a minimum, and saves you from running around the house randomly putting items away as you find them. Instead you will be doing it all at once.
Wicker baskets with material lining are a beautiful choice for highly-visible areas, or plastic bins in primary colours can be used as well, and are available at the DollarStore.
Keep a basket in a convenient location on each floor. For a mere 60 seconds each day, toss items in the basket that do not belong in the space they are in. Once a week, or whenever the basket gets full, empty the basket returning all of it's contents to it's rightful place.
Alternatively, you can have a basket for each member of the family. For a couple of minutes each day, have family members collect personal belongings that are left out and toss them into the basket. At regular intervals have family members return the items in their basket to their rightful place.
Keeps clutter to a minimum, and saves you from running around the house randomly putting items away as you find them. Instead you will be doing it all at once.
Wicker baskets with material lining are a beautiful choice for highly-visible areas, or plastic bins in primary colours can be used as well, and are available at the DollarStore.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Have Reminders Sent to Your Mobile Phone
This is such a great idea I don't know why I didn't think of it before!
I have a tickler file system to remind me of things that may be months away, and I love it, but sometimes I just wish I could have a way to send myself a text message to remind me. I want to send myself the message now, but I don't want to recieve it for another few weeks, or even months.
Well, I finally Googled text messaging reminder services and was thrilled to find a couple of great ones.
Textmemos is free and gets the job done. The service was created by a guy who needed to remind himself of things via text message, but couldn't find a company that would do it for free. So he started a service himself. What a guy!
My Snoozester is a paid service, but the rates are reasonable and they have a few more bells and whistles. For example, you can "snooze" your reminder for 10 minutes if you are in the middle of something, and the reminder will be sent again 10 minutes later.
Try them out! They are great!
I have a tickler file system to remind me of things that may be months away, and I love it, but sometimes I just wish I could have a way to send myself a text message to remind me. I want to send myself the message now, but I don't want to recieve it for another few weeks, or even months.
Well, I finally Googled text messaging reminder services and was thrilled to find a couple of great ones.
Textmemos is free and gets the job done. The service was created by a guy who needed to remind himself of things via text message, but couldn't find a company that would do it for free. So he started a service himself. What a guy!
My Snoozester is a paid service, but the rates are reasonable and they have a few more bells and whistles. For example, you can "snooze" your reminder for 10 minutes if you are in the middle of something, and the reminder will be sent again 10 minutes later.
Try them out! They are great!
Friday, May 6, 2011
The Best Medicine: Your Daily Dose
Hope this helps you to get your daily dose of laughter. Enjoy!
Important Women's Health Issue
* Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
* Do you suffer from shyness?
* Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?
* Do you suffer exhaustion from the day to day grind?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Margaritas.
Margaritas are the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. Margaritas can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Margaritas almost immediately and with a regimen of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live.
Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you will discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living, with Margaritas.
Margaritas may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Margaritas. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.
Side effects may include:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Incarceration
- Erotic lustfulness
- Loss of motor control
- Loss of clothing
- Loss of money
- Loss of virginity
- Table dancing
- Headache
- Dehydration
- Dry mouth
- A desire to sing Karaoke
* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you are whispering when you are not.
* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to think you can sing.
* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you can logically converse without spitting.
Please share this with other women who may need Margaritas. :)
Important Women's Health Issue
* Do you have feelings of inadequacy?
* Do you suffer from shyness?
* Do you sometimes wish you were more assertive?
* Do you suffer exhaustion from the day to day grind?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, ask your doctor or pharmacist about Margaritas.
Margaritas are the safe, natural way to feel better and more confident about yourself and your actions. Margaritas can help ease you out of your shyness and let you tell the world that you're ready and willing to do just about anything. You will notice the benefits of Margaritas almost immediately and with a regimen of regular doses you can overcome any obstacles that prevent you from living the life you want to live.
Shyness and awkwardness will be a thing of the past and you will discover many talents you never knew you had. Stop hiding and start living, with Margaritas.
Margaritas may not be right for everyone. Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Margaritas. However, women who wouldn't mind nursing or becoming pregnant are encouraged to try it.
Side effects may include:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Incarceration
- Erotic lustfulness
- Loss of motor control
- Loss of clothing
- Loss of money
- Loss of virginity
- Table dancing
- Headache
- Dehydration
- Dry mouth
- A desire to sing Karaoke
* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you are whispering when you are not.
* The consumption of Margaritas may cause you to think you can sing.
* The consumption of Margaritas may make you think you can logically converse without spitting.
Please share this with other women who may need Margaritas. :)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Creative Uses for Coffee Filters
Who would have thought that coffee filters could do so much! For a few nickels and dimes you can buy a package of a thousand of these filters and put every one of them to good use.
- Cover food with the filters when you cook something in the microwave to reduce splatter.
- Use them to clean mirrors, glass and chrome. They are lint-free so windows will sparkle.
- Place a sheet between your china dishes to help to protect them.
- If you break a cork when opening a bottle of wine, there is no need to go fishing in your wine glass with a spoon. Use a coffee filter to filter out the small bits of cork as you pour.
- Use them to protect your cast iron-skillet. Coffee filters will absorb moisture and help to prevent rust.
- Ball up a coffee filter to apply shoe polish. They are lint-free and help to bring your shoes to a shine.
- Recycle frying oil but straining the oil through a coffee filter.
- Weigh chopped foods on a kitchen scale, but keep your scale clean by placing a coffee filter on the kitchen scale first.
- Use them as a wrap to hold messy foods like tacos and wraps, or hotdogs.
- Prevent soil from being drained from potted plants by placing a filter in the container before filling it with soil.
- Prevent a popsicle from leaking by poking a hole through the filter with the end of the popsicle stick.
- Use strips of coffee filter to wax your eyebrows instead of using expensive strips.
- Keep a stack in the bathroom. They are handy for doing little clean up jobs you don't need a whole paper towel for, like when you get nicked with a razor.
- Use them as an easy-tear backing for embroidering or to applique soft fabrics
- Wrap baking soda in a filter and place in shoes or a closet to absorb odours.
- Use them to strain soup stock or to tie herbs for cooking stews and soups.
- Keep them handy in the kitchen so that you can use them as a spoon rest or to clean up small spills.
- Use them to hold dry ingredients when cooking to save on dishes.
- Wrap Christmas ornaments in coffee filters to protect them chips and scratches.
- Use them to remove nail polish. They are cheaper than cotton balls.
- Press flowers between two coffee filters and then place in a heavy book.
- Use as a disposable dish for chips and popcorn.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
You Get Out of It What You Put Into It
We come home from work, rush to get dinner on the table as quickly as possible so that we have time to bathe the kids and prepare for tomorrow's meeting at work. We make phone calls while stirring the pasta, and update the family calendar while we distractedly help our kids with their homework.
Does this sound familiar? This is the reality that millions of people live everyday. We do everything in a hurry and pack as many things as we can into our day because, when we do, we feel as though we are doing something right. And it makes sense to, doesn't it?
The more efficient we are, the more we pack into our day, allowing us to do even more. It allows us to accomplish more; we gain prestige, money, respect...
But this idea of doing more as efficiently as possible so that we can do even more might be coming at a cost. Sometimes, doing something in the most time-efficient, or cost-effective way and cutting out all that is not absolutely necessary, also cuts out the joy.
When everything in our lives is task-oriented and results-based, we focus on what to do and how to do it rather than why we are doing it in the first place. We'd never do anything just for fun. It's important to take the time to put joy back into the things you do. Things might take a few minutes longer, but we will be happier for it.
It can be done with even the most mundane of tasks. Instead of emptying the dishwasher while talking on the phone and supervising the kids, hang up the phone, turn on some fun music and empty the dishwasher while you and your kids sing along together. It will probably take a few minutes longer, but you may have a good laugh with your kids that you wouldn't have otherwise had.
In setting the table for dinner, get out some candles, the good placemats, and the silver. It'll take a little longer, but the meal will be enjoyed more, your family will feel special, and you'll gain a sense of pride in the ambience you created.
Remember that you get out of life what you put into it. That often means for-going efficiency, and instead putting in some time and effort to get, not money, prestige, or respect in return, but joy.
Does this sound familiar? This is the reality that millions of people live everyday. We do everything in a hurry and pack as many things as we can into our day because, when we do, we feel as though we are doing something right. And it makes sense to, doesn't it?
The more efficient we are, the more we pack into our day, allowing us to do even more. It allows us to accomplish more; we gain prestige, money, respect...
But this idea of doing more as efficiently as possible so that we can do even more might be coming at a cost. Sometimes, doing something in the most time-efficient, or cost-effective way and cutting out all that is not absolutely necessary, also cuts out the joy.
When everything in our lives is task-oriented and results-based, we focus on what to do and how to do it rather than why we are doing it in the first place. We'd never do anything just for fun. It's important to take the time to put joy back into the things you do. Things might take a few minutes longer, but we will be happier for it.
It can be done with even the most mundane of tasks. Instead of emptying the dishwasher while talking on the phone and supervising the kids, hang up the phone, turn on some fun music and empty the dishwasher while you and your kids sing along together. It will probably take a few minutes longer, but you may have a good laugh with your kids that you wouldn't have otherwise had.
In setting the table for dinner, get out some candles, the good placemats, and the silver. It'll take a little longer, but the meal will be enjoyed more, your family will feel special, and you'll gain a sense of pride in the ambience you created.
Remember that you get out of life what you put into it. That often means for-going efficiency, and instead putting in some time and effort to get, not money, prestige, or respect in return, but joy.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
A Tip If You Have Things To Do That Aren't Getting Done
Often, the items on our "to-do" lists that have been there the longest are the ones that are giving us the most stress.
It's decision time.
Of those items that have been on your to-do list for more than a few days, a few weeks, or heaven-forbid, a few months, take a look at them and make a decision. Either get the task over with and do it now, or decide that you just aren't going to do them, and take them off your list.
You'd be amazed at the burden you will feel lifted once you make the decision and follow through.
It's decision time.
Of those items that have been on your to-do list for more than a few days, a few weeks, or heaven-forbid, a few months, take a look at them and make a decision. Either get the task over with and do it now, or decide that you just aren't going to do them, and take them off your list.
You'd be amazed at the burden you will feel lifted once you make the decision and follow through.
Project of the Day
There is power in giving.
Scientists have now shown that how people spend their money can make a big impact on the level of satisfaction, and giving can be important to our well-being. Do something to help out those in need today. Either give to a cause you believe in, plan to volunteer your time, or simply spoil a loved one. It will you do you as much good as it will the one you are helping.
If you are interested in this principle of giving and how it can be applied to your personal and professional you may be interested in reading more about it in a book by Daniel Pink called Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Scientists have now shown that how people spend their money can make a big impact on the level of satisfaction, and giving can be important to our well-being. Do something to help out those in need today. Either give to a cause you believe in, plan to volunteer your time, or simply spoil a loved one. It will you do you as much good as it will the one you are helping.
If you are interested in this principle of giving and how it can be applied to your personal and professional you may be interested in reading more about it in a book by Daniel Pink called Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
A Tip For Those Who Are Constantly Distracted
If you find that you don't get a lot done because you are distracted or get easily side-tracked, divide the task you into a few manageble chunks, for example into 10 or 15 minute chunks. Others might be able to plan for a 20 or 30 minute tasks. Do what you think you can realistically manage. You are better to plan for the distractions and not get them than to be overly optimistic and get frustrated from interruptions that are out of your control, or from your level of discipline.
Get yourself prepared to do that first chunk. Gather materials and get rid of distractions. Turn off your phone, close your facebook page, and remove visual distractions. Throw a sheet over the kids toys strewn on the floor when working from home if you have to, or turn your chair away from the door at work. If you are working on multiple projects, store projects you are not currently working on behind you on a shelf where they cannot pull your attention away.
Now, get down to work and do that task, focus on getting it done. When it is done, reward yourself with a quick facebook update, or to check your messages, and then do the next task. The key is to keep the tasks short, quick and easy to complete.
You might be amazed at what you are able to get done in an hour, a morning, or in a day if you take this approach.
Get yourself prepared to do that first chunk. Gather materials and get rid of distractions. Turn off your phone, close your facebook page, and remove visual distractions. Throw a sheet over the kids toys strewn on the floor when working from home if you have to, or turn your chair away from the door at work. If you are working on multiple projects, store projects you are not currently working on behind you on a shelf where they cannot pull your attention away.
Now, get down to work and do that task, focus on getting it done. When it is done, reward yourself with a quick facebook update, or to check your messages, and then do the next task. The key is to keep the tasks short, quick and easy to complete.
You might be amazed at what you are able to get done in an hour, a morning, or in a day if you take this approach.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Honey, Do You Have the Plane Tickets?
Avoid the panic of wondering where your passport or plane tickets are enroute to the airport.
Keep your important documents in a clear zippered folder and store it in the outside pocket of your carry-on or large purse. It will be easy to access, and easy to quickly see inside to retreive what you need. You can get the peace of mind if feel the need to check that you have everything you need enroute, and with it being in your carry-on, you won't have to worry about losing reservations and other important documents should your luggage get lost or arrive late.
Keep your important documents in a clear zippered folder and store it in the outside pocket of your carry-on or large purse. It will be easy to access, and easy to quickly see inside to retreive what you need. You can get the peace of mind if feel the need to check that you have everything you need enroute, and with it being in your carry-on, you won't have to worry about losing reservations and other important documents should your luggage get lost or arrive late.
Garbage Delight
Have you ever gone to toss something in the garbage and there is no garbage bag inside?
If your garbage is in your master bath and your garbage bags are in the kitchen pantry, there is no wonder that the bag is not replaced!
Make life easier for yourself and store your garbage bags in the bottom of your garbage bins. When you take out the full bag it can be replaced right away without any trouble. Do this for every garbage bin in your house and you'll never be frustrated by a "naked" garbage bin again!
If your garbage is in your master bath and your garbage bags are in the kitchen pantry, there is no wonder that the bag is not replaced!
Make life easier for yourself and store your garbage bags in the bottom of your garbage bins. When you take out the full bag it can be replaced right away without any trouble. Do this for every garbage bin in your house and you'll never be frustrated by a "naked" garbage bin again!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Be Ready for Quick Clean-ups
There are likely some places in the home that are more prone to messes than others where you may want to be prepared for quick clean-ups. The kitchen is an obvious one, but your bathroom is another one place that has frequent spills and messes especially if you have little ones. If you have pets or frequent company, the most-used entrance might be the place that constantly where messes happen often. If you have a wee one, it may be where they feed or play, or where they get their diapers changed.
Think of places in your home that spills and messes happen most often. And when that inevitably happens are you running to your an upstairs closet or the laundry room to get the supplies? What shoud take 30 seconds to mop up could take 5 minutes or more as you hunt for products around the house, clean up the mess that has since spread to 3 rooms because of a toddler or pet trampling through it, and then return them to there rightful place.
Try keeping the most common cleaning supplies in the areas that are prone to these messes and spills. You don't need to stock each space with every cleaning product you'll ever need; just the most common one or two that would be effective at cleaning that area's most common spills. That mess will invariably happen. Next time you will be prepared.
DONE Project (DO it Now, Everyone!): Make sure those little messes can stay little messes instead of becoming an inconvenient ordeal! Get those most regularly used products into those spaces today. I doubt it will be long before you are glad you did.
Think of places in your home that spills and messes happen most often. And when that inevitably happens are you running to your an upstairs closet or the laundry room to get the supplies? What shoud take 30 seconds to mop up could take 5 minutes or more as you hunt for products around the house, clean up the mess that has since spread to 3 rooms because of a toddler or pet trampling through it, and then return them to there rightful place.
Try keeping the most common cleaning supplies in the areas that are prone to these messes and spills. You don't need to stock each space with every cleaning product you'll ever need; just the most common one or two that would be effective at cleaning that area's most common spills. That mess will invariably happen. Next time you will be prepared.
DONE Project (DO it Now, Everyone!): Make sure those little messes can stay little messes instead of becoming an inconvenient ordeal! Get those most regularly used products into those spaces today. I doubt it will be long before you are glad you did.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Reduce Trips to the Garbage Can with this Great Tip
This is such a tiny little kitchen tip, but I had to include it because after doing it you will wonder why you didn't do it before.

Not only that, you will not be dirtying your floors and cabinetry door handles as you try to transfer mucky things into the garbage bin, and leaving grimey finger prints as you try to open the cupboard to access your bin.
I also leave a foil tray on the counter for all of our compostable waste. We recieved a countertop container from the city for this purpose, but we found the container to large, bulky and a bit of an eye-sore. Right after every meal or meal preparation I dump the contents of the tray into the green bin. This is important since the compostable material is not in a closed container, and you don't want a problem with fruit flies. I usually line the tray with a papertowel or wax paper because those are compostable materials and they help make cleanup a snap, but they are not necessary if you really don't want the added waste. We rinse the tray after every use and wash it daily.
If the thought of a tin tray on your counter doesn't light you up, choose a lovely bowl instead. There is no reason garbage can't look pretty!
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