Nature does like a vacuum. In other words, if there is a void, or an empty space, it will be filled.
I can certainly believe this to be true. I just have to look at the baskets I buy on whim at the dollarstore, that get filled before I know it.
In this case, it has just brought more clutter and more "stuff", but I think this principle can be used to benefit us rather than take away. So if there is something you want, today or in life in general, make room for it. Create a vacuum that will need to be filled. It seems like a very simple thing, but I can see this being an agent for change.
It could be making room in your heart for a better relationship with someone you love, or room in your closet for a new clothes a size smaller, or room in your fridge for really healthy food. It could be anything.
Once you've created that vacuum, don't allow the empty space to be filled by anything other than that which you truly desire.