If you've got clutter, more stuff than you have room, or are at all inspired by a minimalist lifestyle but are nowhere near realizing it, then welcome to the The 2000 lb Challenge.
The basic idea is to get ride of (give away, recycle, or dispose of) 2000 lbs of the stuff you already own in 365 days.
It will help you to reduce your clutter and reduce the burden that your stuff imposes on you. It can be quite liberating! If it enters your home since taking on the challenge it doesn't count; it has to be stuff you already own.
Mathematically speaking, to get rid of 2000 lbs of stuff in one year's time means you need to purge 5 1/2 pounds of stuff everyday. Make it your mission to take 60 seconds each day to find 5 1/2 pounds of your belongings you can part with.
Good luck!