Saturday, January 21, 2012

Keep Berries Fresh for Longer

If berries are a part of your daily diet (and they should be!), then you have probably reached for a handful of berries only to find that they've already turned?  is that berries go bad quickly.  If don't want to freeze them to keep them fresh, try this little trick to keep them fresh for longer:

Wash your berries in a mixture of 1 part apple cider vinegar and 10 parts water.  After bathing them in the mixture for a short time, drain them and store them in the fridge.  Berries should last twice as long or longer!

If you don't have apple cider vinegar, regular white vinegar will also work.  If you are worried about a vinegar taste you can rinse them with water afterwards. 

The vinegar works to kill bacteria and spores that cause them to go moldy. 

Berries are a great power food.  Eat them everyday!

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