Sunday, November 1, 2009

Internet Legends Put to the Test with

Every time I get a forward from a friend with some bizarre news story or advice, I immediately go to It is a website dedicated to getting to the bottom of the advice, and outrageous claims that land in your inbox from friends who have forwarded them to everyone in their address book.

It is a website I swear by. I think that, in the history of my becoming aware of the site (which is maybe 5 or 6 years), I have had ONE email forward that ended up being more true than false! Once at the website, simply enter a few keywords about any forward you have received. The results will come up and outline the origins of the legend, when and where it began, and whehter or not it's true, or what parts are true, and what parts are exaggerated, embellished, or completely bogus.

A visit to this site is an absolute must before forwarding off emails that have been passed on to person to person to person, making the source completely unknown, and hence unrealiable.

Check it out!

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