Monday, November 1, 2010

Lunch Wrapped Up

Watching your carbs and calories?  Lunch can all too often be a meal where we get more of both of those than we actually intend; even when we are picking healthy options such as whole grain sandwiches, subs, and wraps. 

It doesn't matter so much what healthy goodies these common lunch foods are stuffed with when it's sandwiched between 240 calories and 42 grams of carbohydrates (and 4g of insoluable fibre).  That's what is in 2 slices of Dempster's Whole Grains Ancient Grains bread.  If you check the label yourself you might argue the calories and carbs are half that, but check again:  The nutrition information listed is for only one piece of bread. 

Looking for breads with whole grains is certainly the healthier option over white bread, but if you are trying to lose weight they can often carry too many calories and carbohydrates to support weight loss without restricting carbs and calories elsewhere.  That's tough enough to do without your mid-day meal taking up so much of your daily allotment.

If you think those skinny little wraps are any better, think twice. If you eat 2 multigrain wraps with flax (Compliments, available at Sobey's) you will have eaten 200 calories, and 33 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fibre. 

One of the best options that I have seen out there that has the whole grains but is easy on the calories and carbs is Dempter's BodyWise Whole Grain wraps.  Their nutrition information is for 1 wrap, but if you eat two you will have consumed a reasonable 160 calories and 32 grams of carbohydrates.

After a week that could add up to a deficit of 560 calories and 63 grams of carbohydrates over what you would have eaten if you'd had the same lunches but with Dempsters Whole Grains Ancient Grain bread.

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